G-Dragon Little Story~

G-dragon little story

Well guys, i want to be a story teller this time for this picture …
1. “Guess….. who am i ??  you can call  or tell me who is this ?”
2.”hello..hello.. ! What ? ,what  ???  you don’t know him ??
3. “hehe. ..please no joke !! this guy is very famous ! you should know him !”
4. “OH MY GOD !! you still don’t know him ?? aigoo..”
5. “i’ll give you a few clue…..his hair is always change  !”
6. “and you know his teeth is very white…..!!”
7. “His dance is like this………!”
8. ” Now.. i’ll wait for a few second to give you a time to think who is this guy,
      please don’t dissapoint me !”
9. “HORAAY….. you so damn right !! it’s me.. GD baby ! G-Dragon !
10. ” OK you pass the test !! i’m so proud..V.I.P is never dissapoint me !!
The End.  hahaha LOL